Saturday, February 7, 2009

Return of the Plague

So, as some of you may know, I'm sick again. Everything up until that point (namely this past Tuesday) however, was fantastic. On Friday I went out with a few friends to a popular bar called Usudu, which, aside from being filled with cigarette smoke, is a pretty cool place to hang out. The bar is underground, designed in a series of tunnels that wind into larger rooms, each with a different feel. The first floor is a classy wine bar, the second full of fooseball tables the third full of punks, the forth full of loud obnoxious Americans dancing on tables... not me... of course. Anyhow, Friday was a bit of an early night seeing that the next morning was our all school mandatory field trip to the town of Kutna Hora, so I opted for a pivo or two and bounced on home around 12:30. The next morning a awoke at the ungodly hour of 7am to prepare for the 40 minute journey to Na Florenci street where we were to meet our buses. Surprisingly, I made it there with 10 minutes to spare and parked myself down on the bus next to Peter, my new friend from Emory, who unfortunately was not as lucky as I in the sleep department the night before. The bus ride wasn't bad, and was actually pretty relaxing, on the way there I inhaled the two sandwiches Daka had packed for my breakfast, caught a few minutes of sleep and watched the first Prague snowfall of my trip.

Our first stop in Kutna Hora was to the Cathedral, there's not much to say to distinguish it from the other 52 million cathedrals I've seen in my long 20 year existence, except for the amazng stained glass windows inside. BRILLIANT. Absolutely gorgeous, I took about 27 pictures just of windows, which I admit may be a bit obsessive, but none the less, I was rather impressed. Next we took a tour of the mint museum, which would have been really cool had they not closed all of the actual minting workshops, so basically it was just a room with a bunch of coins in glass cases, and not a lot of coins, maybe 20, 22 tiny, REPLICAS of coins. Tres sad. Anyway, I did however find out that the original dollar was based somehow on the czech tolar... but unfortunately I can't remember why. Oh well, I guess that's what wikipedia is for.

After that was my personal favorite, Obed! (lunch) We all crammed into this very touristy, but still quaint, medieval themed restaurant for arguably one of the best meals I have had in Prague: Potato soup, Chicken with potatoes, (notice a trend?) one non-alcoholic beverage of our choosing AND some sort of pastry that looked like it had a meatball in the middle of it, but it was actually some kind of candied berry (thank GOD.) Anyway, the food was fantastic, I got a hot chocolate that was pretty much just melted chocolate and loved every sip. Plus lunch gave me time to catch up with new friends before heading off to the main event of the day...

The Bone Church.

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