Saturday, February 7, 2009

Learning and Leprosy.

So last week started off with a bang. Following a fantastic weekend, I skipped merrily off to my second week of Czech with a song in my heart and... a horrible hacking cough in my throat!

Unpleasant to the max.

Monday we learned how to conjugate present tense verbs, Tuesday we practiced on some irregulars and on Wednesday... well actually, I have no idea because I was sleeping til four in the afternoon.

Wednesday afternoon, Miroslav took me to the nearby hospital to see if I could get some atomic strength cough medicine asap, but sadly they didn't accept non-emergency visitors until 7pm. So into the city we trekked, to the faraway Vodicova street, to the "24-Hour Doctor" the school had recommended. Unfortunately, due to rush hour traffic, this normally 30 minute journey took us an hour and a half. By the time we got to the Doctor they were...CLOSED? Apparently "24-hour" means you can call them 24-hours a day and for an extra $300 they'll come by your house! Ummmm no thanks, I rather spend my money on street cheese and svicova.

So it was back to the hospital, where we waited for another hour in a room full of people with far more advanced colds than I, probably getting me even sicker, until my name was finally called.

Now at this point I felt awful, I had dragged poor Miroslav around all of Praha for nothing, and now he had to describe to the doctors, in Czech, my horrible bronchitis like symptoms while I sat there like the lame English speaking tourist that I am. Finally, they slapped me with a weeks worth of antibiotics and, three days later, here I am, slightly bedridden and losing my mind. It's like that scene in Muppet Treasure Island, only a thousand times worse, and not at sea. I have Cabin Fever.

And that is why, last night I went to the Opera.

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