Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mapping the Western Territories.

So, at last/alas, I am home.

Aspen was wonderful, and if it's any of your business, I have told you this already, and if I haven't told you... well then, quite frankly, I'm not going to. Although some of you may be amused to discover I tried my hand at snowboarding and kicked ass...mostly... except when I was too busy snowballing down the mountain. I have bruises in strange places...

California was a very different kind of nice; I got to spend a lot of time with my family, which was duly needed and much appreciated. The weather wasn't too bad either. (70 biatch!) Unfortunately the job search is a bit stalled as my trip coincided with most peoples first few days back from the Christmas/New Years break. Never fear though! Los Angeles is my summer, movies movies movies, or maybe television, but a set regardless. *knocks on wood*

Blargh, so this is basically just an update on my Prague-ress (HAH! WIT!) Yeah... I know. I haven't received my visa from the consulate just yet, and I'm beginning to worry. The other day I met with a family friend who just got back from Prague and didn't get his visa until half way through, which, though terrifying, gives me a bit of hope that even if I don't get it in time they'll let me in anyway.

All around super excited be heading off; I leave a week from tomorrow to get there by the 19th, and then it's two weeks of intensive Czech: 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Not really looking forward to that, but it'll be amazingly worth it in the end. I'm still looking for a good volunteer program in the city; I have my heart set on working in an orphanage a few days a week. Other than that I'm just starting to pack and procrastinate...

Let the countdown begin.


1 comment:

  1. Yo YO YOOOO!!!!

    What's up? I just found your blog. How's Prague. When the weather gets warmer will you let me visit you... pretty pretty please. (How is the weather now by the way?)

    ti ricordi un po' dell'italiano???

    You always have a place to stay if you want to come to Florence.

    Ciao ciao
