Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The De-Wisdoming of Murie Curie

What the hell was all the fuss for?

I had a lovely morning. Woke up, went to the oral surgeon, got poked in the hand with an IV (which turns out hurts a thousand times less than getting it in the elbow pit thing), woke up 20 minutes later and attempted to drukenly tell the nurse my life story through a mouth full of gauze, while also seeing double. Wobbled to the car, went to pick up my drugs, which I don't even think I need, because its been 7 hours and feel fine. Came home and watched the 30 Rock for three hours and managed to eat half a block of cheese on a baguette by melting it on my tongue tiny pieces at a time. All in all I'd say it's been a fantastic day.

Pah! And people said I'd sleep all day. I hung up some paintings in my room and rearranged my closet. TAKE THAT GUMS!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

But mom, everyone's doing it...

Peer pressure has forced me to once again join the ranks of blogging weirdos everywhere. Not since the Live-Journaling revolution of middle school have I attempted to share my travels and trivials with the people of the interweb. So hold on tight, and be prepared for over-dramatic adjectives and misplaced modifiers.

Mary Mumbler is back, and leaving for Prague on January 18th.

But first home! Wisdom teeth! Sleeping!